Music and Mental Health
Can music make you ill?
If we look at the financial aspects of being a musician, It’s fair to say that money in the music industry varies. It is not the easiest thing in the world to make a living as a full time musician until you’re very well established. Session musicians and part time players may have to work a part time job on top of rehearsals and gigs which can become very stressful and hard to balance. For the most part there are two spectrums of finances in the music industry, you have the struggling band who barely make ends meet, every penny goes on their music, or you have a successful musician making a lot of money through gig entry fees, music sales and merchandise.
Packing £5,000 worth of equipment into your £500 car, travelling 150 miles to play a gig that pays £50, pay rarely meets expenses. That said it’s a choice, and it’s a choice that you have to make to become successful in the music industry, but it is a choice that you can step out of to return to the ‘real world’, find work and make ends meet.
Let’s say for a moment that this is in fact one of the main reasons a musician may suffer from depression… That does not explain the number of hugely successful musicians who suffer from a mental health condition. Kurt Cobain is an example of this, and more recently Chester Bennington from the band Linkin Park who sadly took his own life. These are successful musicians who are wealthy, so money is not a cause of their mental health problems.
Nia raises a good point, and adding to that, do we as musician feel more of a need to hide any sort of mental illness to try to seem stronger to those fans who look up to us. Bottling up feelings and emotions is what makes a mental illness so deadly.
The problem I see is after the gig, exiting the stage, in the car on the way home or the next day after a gig. Coming back to the real word after that experience is a major come down, it’s hard. Being on stage is such a release, but delivering your message, your story to other people who may be in a similar situation is a great feeling. Music isn’t a cause, it’s a coping mechanism.
Musicians are 3 times more likely to experience depression, because they create music to escape their depression.
Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.
If you are suffering from any kind of mental health condition – talk about it!
Its ok not to be ok, but please, speak to a friend, family member, or one of the organisations below.
We are one community, one family and we need to be there for each other. There is always someone to talk to.
© Stargazer Music Magazine 2020
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