Phantom high

Although the band would like to think their music speaks to a collective expression of cathartic angst and irony, in the end, this is completely subjective to perspective. If you ignore the lyrical content, metaphoric facade, and the ironic Pop that’s meant to contrast with the aggressive angst, then you might think that’s exactly what they are trying to achieve, but again you would be wrong. So try and step back a little here, and see if you can detect the nuance, for if you do, you will see them more clearly and a different light.
and Joey Proulx on Drums, Phantom High are set to impress.
Since that time, Phantom High have played a great many iconic venues in Toronto, including Velvet Underground, The Bovine and Sneaky D’s alongside PIG and Hard Luck, and also shared stages at The Opera House and Lee’s Palace with Sulpher, having already chalked up a great many gigs with A Primitive Evolution, Eye Steal, Trick Casket and Daemon Grey.
Due to the world currently being on its knees, their ascension was curtailed somewhat in 2020, with shows already lined up with The Birthday Massacre and Julien K. But for now, the band are using their time wisely and have some amazing gigs lined up and in the bag for when the world returns to normal.

and Joey Proulx on Drums, Phantom High are set to impress.
Since that time, Phantom High have played a great many iconic venues in Toronto, including Velvet Underground, The Bovine and Sneaky D’s alongside PIG and Hard Luck, and also shared stages at The Opera House and Lee’s Palace with Sulpher, having already chalked up a great many gigs with A Primitive Evolution, Eye Steal, Trick Casket and Daemon Grey.
Due to the world currently being on its knees, their ascension was curtailed somewhat in 2020, with shows already lined up with The Birthday Massacre and Julien K. But for now, the band are using their time wisely and have some amazing gigs lined up and in the bag for when the world returns to normal.
“I wouldn’t say I’m much different anywhere I go, but Sujit loves to crowd please. He’s been known to climb on top of things and single people out in the crowd in super fun ways”.
I went on to ask them all what they enjoy most about being in the band, and if there is anything they wished they had known before they started their journey in music, they told me;
“Just spending time with some genuine and awesome buddies. Friendship, and that we get to play a style not a lot of people play around here, and we all get to play music that isn’t a regular request that you might receive in a big ensemble or on a gig. I should have asked for help from others at the start, just because the music wasn’t that good at first, it would’ve gotten better a lot faster than it did”.

“Very close, my stage persona is a compartmentalized section of the total package for me. I basically let the dark side take me.
This band is an extension of me, and it is a vehicle of unfiltered expression, musically and aesthetically”
Seven went on to add;
“I’m pretty much the same on and off stage. It wasn’t always the case though. I grew to like the person I became on stage and embraced the expressiveness in everyday life. It’s dark all the time but in a good way. For the first time I feel like I am playing music I would actually listen to. It’s been difficult to achieve that in the past with rotating members and being pulled in different directions genre-wise”.
Finally, I asked them if there was anything they wished they had known before starting their career in music, they told me;
“Yes, learn, learn, learn, then throw all of the rules and inhibitions out the window and don’t look back. Trust in your uniqueness, fire everything, until you are satisfied in your craft, it should never be measured by popular standards, but if your expression is true AND you find it stirring and resonating with others, you know you have something rare”.
To buy the single, click the artwork below
And that brings me nicely to the single in question here, Black Devine.
Taking a bright idea and painting it black, Phantom High overall project an image of dead bodies acting like people, creating the ultimate Pop Music from hell. As gruesome and grim as they appear visually, and maybe not what you want to meet on a dark night, don’t judge a book by its cover springs to mind here, as their music is most certainly as hard hitting as it is melodic, with Black Divine being a track that will ingrain itself into your psyche.
Featuring clean to hard vocals throughout, the subject matter is Egyptian in origin, as Peril explains;
“Its taken from ancient Egyptian culture, Sacred or Divine Feminine, which referrs to aspects and/or traits of artistry.
Mine was dark, hence the addition of Black in the title. It’s essentially the title I’d given the closet I was in, the music and dreams of becoming my true self, were what kept me from ending my life, despite how poor, how alone, and how sick or abused I was, there was always my Black Divine to close my eyes and fall into its promise, like a symbiotic possession.”
This is a single and a band who will please their genre or any sub genre for that matter, who’s softer side may even tempt many others to the lighter side of dark and beyond.
Labelled Ironic Pop Back From Hell, Phantom High wont let you down, and deliver every single time, doing pretty much what it says on the tin when it comes to originality, creativity, dynamics and demeanour.
Star Rating – 10/10

“We are having fun, we are writing from our hearts, and we live for entertaining”.
So why not clear a space in your collection and give Phantom High a try for 2021.

© Stargazer Music Magazine 2020
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